“We actually had quite a laugh when we first created our mood board on Pinterest for our home. Elgin’s photos were all bright coloured walls and furniture (think childcare centre) and mine were all white, neutral sandy colours with timber and rattan. It was quite a joke!”
“We had our ROM in our house last September and moved in that very night. It’s been about 7 months and it’s a miracle our house turned out to be so perfectly... us. A touch of colour but not too much, warm and inviting. Elgin says it reflects him, because it’s organised chaos. Haha!”

“These gorgeous Buster and Punch switches, however, were an instant mutual consent. We wanted gold as a colour swatch in the house and the switches were a perfect touch.”

“The sum of our home is truly made up of our friends and loved ones that we are lucky to have in our lives. We just love the idea of a home made up of more than just us.”

“All our stuff is really a collection of things over time and from all sorts of places. One of our favourite paintings would be the beautiful mess of colour hanging behind our dining table. It’s painted by our talented friend David and he named it “Paz” which translates to “Peace”.
“Every day, it’s telling us to find perfect peace in the midst of a riot.”

“Lately, we’ve been making small changes to the way we live and are trying to swap out household cleaners and personal products for non-toxic homemade ones.”

“One of Elgin’s most sentimental plants in our home is this Whale Fin Plant from our beloved friend who has since passed on. Even in her late stage of cancer, Perryn was the kind of person who would think of us through her pain.”
“Today, it’s standing in front of Danny Yung’s 天天向上 (Tian Tian Xiang Shang) sculpture to remind us to keep our chins up each day.”
“Now that we have our own space, we don’t go out as much as we used to. We also enjoy nature and spend a lot more time outdoors now because of the park connector nearby, where we cycle and take walks with our dog.”
“Having that bit of green makes so much of a difference.”
“I like to be covered and feel cosy and warm in bed, but my feet get claustrophobic and hot so they tend to stick out from under the covers. I also enjoy the feeling of cool sheets. Elgin is a bit more particular about sheets. They have to be flat, soft and cool with absolutely no crinkles!”